Charity fundraising
without the fees.

You give everything,
so we take nothing.

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In terms of maxing your cash, you can't beat It doesn't charge any service or processing fees to the charities, meaning 100% of your donation goes directly to doing good. Money Saving Expert

Featured fundraisers

800 miles to educate 800 children
800 miles to educate 800 children

Every Step Counts: Doubling Support for Uganda's Future

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Tubas for all!
Tubas for all!

Raising funds to purchase a second full-size tuba in Alan Sykes name which will be given to a young WSB player.

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Bringing Vision to Life
Bringing Vision to Life

Supporting Bristol Eye Hospital's journey to bring vision to life

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Featured charities

Empowering Families, Advancing Awareness: Pitt Hopkins UK
Empowering Families, Advancing Awareness: Pitt Hopkins UK

Raising awareness of Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (PTHS) among healthcare professionals and providing vital support to families affected by the condition.

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Bringing Comfort and Joy Through Care Dogs
Bringing Comfort and Joy Through Care Dogs

Providing care dogs to the whole community throughout England and Wales, bringing joy and reassurance to the elderly, vulnerable, and others who benefit from their services.

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Bridging Communities, Restoring Lives
Bridging Communities, Restoring Lives

Embracing Refugees with Restore

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Wonderful news

What makes us wonderful?

We applaud the selfless commitment made by fundraisers. Their passion for causes they care so much about shines through the pages on our platform. And we think charities should receive every penny from their incredible effort.

We also believe that Gift Aid should be directed in full to charities. This is why the Wonderful Organisation doesn't charge any fees, operate a tip jar, or generate profit from charity fundraising.

In the past, a ceiling was placed on the impact of our fee-free approach by the prohibitive cost of debit and credit card payment processing. But now we use simple, fast and secure Open Banking (account-to-account) transactions which not only remove countless intermediaries from the payment flow, but crucially allow us to serve thousands more charities, donors and fundraisers. When you make a Wonderful donation, your money is transferred directly to the charity's bank account, meaning they get all the cash. Instantly.

We are a non-profit organisation fuelled entirely by like-minded, philanthropic businesses. That's what makes us wonderful!

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