What to do when things don't go right.
At Wonderful, we aim to ensure that our users are satisfied with the services we offer and the way our platform operates. We do however understand that sometimes things can go wrong, and when this happens, we would like you to let us know so that we can put things right as soon as possible. If you aren’t happy with something, then please be sure to let us know by contacting our complaints department.
Email us at [email protected], call our Complaints Team on 0330 002 1347 (available Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm) or write to the following address:
Complaints Team
41 Luke Street
Please include the following details when submitting a complaint:
You will receive confirmation that your complaint has been received, typically within 24 hours of submitting it to us (postal complaints could take 1-3 working days). We will then aim to fix the issue straight away and contact you within 1-5 working days from the complaint issue date to either let you know of a possible solution we can offer, or alternatively, if the issue is more complex, we will give you an estimate of how long we need to work on your complaint.
We will always aim to get back to you within 15 working days with a Final Response to your complaint. It is however possible for there to be exceptional circumstances where this is not possible, and in these instances, we will aim to resolve and close your complaint within 35 working days and will be sure to keep you updated on progress along the way.
Once the issue has been resolved/complaint has been closed, we will keep a record of this, should you wish to get back in touch at all.
If for any reason you aren’t satisfied with our Final Response, where eligible, you also have the right to contact the organisations below.
The Fundraising Regulator can investigate concerns that the Code of Fundraising Practice may have been breached by a fundraising organisation. Please see the Fundraising Regulator’s Complaints Process for more information including how to submit a formal complaint.
The Financial Ombudsman Service can help with complaints about businesses and organisations providing financial services. For more information please see the Financial Ombudsman Service’s complaints guidance for consumers.