Who we are
The Carers Centre for Brighton and Hove has been working since 1988 to support all those in the city providing unpaid care to someone because of illness, disability, substance misuse or old age.
Our teams of support workers help carers by providing them with the information needed to ease their caring role, such as how to access benefits and signposting them to other services that can help.
The Carers Centre also provide much-needed emotional support. We organise regular groups, activities and events for carers, giving them the chance to meet others in similar situations and to have their say in developing local services.
Create a fundraising page to start raising money for The Carers Centre For Brighton and Hove Limited today! We’re keen to see all kinds of wacky ideas and breath-taking achievements, so get creative and get cracking.
Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.Mae West