Offering accommodation, support, hope and a future to Oxford's homeless. A project that leads the way in a Housing-Led approach and prides itself in a solution that works.
Mission statement:
Offering a home, hope and a future to those homeless or vulnerably housed in Oxford and seeking employment.
Aims: To provide core homes with support to enable those who have experienced homelessness to deal with the issues stopping them from gaining employment and living independently. To provide move on homes for those who may never be able to live wholly independently. To offer on going support and time for those who have moved on from Edge Housing.
To provide safe homes with support from a team experienced in mental health and addiction issues. To ensure the team and volunteers are trained and prepared for working alongside our residents.To respond to the need of the homeless issues in Oxford and work alongside other organisations and city council offering support and resources to ensure the best joint help for each resident.To offer an individualised approach to each resident taking into consideration all their needs from historic issues to current issues and coming alongside them to find out their hopes and dreams and support them to achieve the life they want. This is done through 1:1 work, group work, outings, goals setting and staff discussion. To grow the amount of houses both core and move on and keeping in line with our ethos.To keep true to our Christian beliefs and values that each of us are made for a purpose and none of are beyond help.
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Some of the most wonderful people are those who don’t fit into boxes. Tori Amos