The School Association raise money for the school to provide activities or equipment that enhance the school experience. We are a registered charity and raise money through a variety of events throughout the school year.
For the children, we put on Movie Nights and Discos; the whole family can enjoy events such as the Family Bingo, Christmas Fayre and Summer Fete; and the grown-ups have their turn with the 100 Club, Quiz Nights and an annual Summer Event!
All the funds raised go towards enhancing the school experience for all children and this has included funding iPads, subsidising trips to the theatre for the whole school, inviting visitors to the school to bring the “Whole School Theme” to life, ice lollies for Sports Day and the Year Six Leavers trip.
We also contribute funds to improving the school environment and a group of us have refurbished and painted benches and fencing in the playground. Some of our fundraising is done in conjunction with local businesses and some of the proceeds are shared with Kindergarten.
All these events need support from children and their families, either through donations of prizes (e.g. for a raffle or tombola) or coming to an event to spend some money! And of course there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes in organising each event…maybe you could help us?
We have a committee that meet once a term, where the calendar of events are organised. We also have a group of “helpers” who support events with as much or little time as they have…this could be running a stall at the fete, setting up tables for the quiz or producing the newsletter. Or maybe you have other skills such as graphic design for posters and newsletters, or are able to support us in marketing events?
We always welcome help to raise funds, so please let us know if you are interested in either being part of the committee or a helper. We also value any skills or contacts that you may have that might help us to raise funds.
If you think you can help in any way, please contact the School Association
via [email protected] or approach any current committee members or helpers at one of our events.
Many thanks,
Chair of CWPA School Association
Create a fundraising page to start raising money for Chipping Warden School Parent Teachers Association today! We’re keen to see all kinds of wacky ideas and breath-taking achievements, so get creative and get cracking.
See all the wonderful ways people are fundraising for CHIPPING WARDEN SCHOOL PARENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION and help them reach their targets.
Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me. Steve Jobs