Established in 1990, Khalsa Foundation hosts the longest running premier Sikhi based residential events in the UK. Khalsa Camp, which was started in the summer of 1990 and is now assisted by our branches around the world, aims to provide the highest quality and most inspirational Sikh residential experience available in the world, with the objective of equipping our delegates with an in-depth knowledge of Guru Sahib’s teachings in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Whilst Khalsa Camp is a flagship event, it is not the only thing we do. Under Khalsa Foundation, a registered UK Charity, we aim to provide the Sangat with a much more spiritual understanding of Guru Sahib’s Sikhi. With the advent of the internet, there is much knowledge which can be taken from online resources. However, after speaking with many elder and spiritually accomplished Gursikhs, it was realised that, as brilliant as these online resources may be, they lack in teaching the deeper aspect regarding the spiritual dimensions, to which one’s soul can transcend through the path of Sikhi. With this in mind, Khalsa Foundation created a residential event aimed at families called Khalsa Family Retreat in 2017, which looks to replicate the success of Khalsa Camp for the whole family, so instead of focusing on the individuals, the focus is switched to the whole family and their spirituality together. Khalsa Family Retreat consists of group workshops about various aspects of Sikhi and family life. The workshops aim to give the delegates an opportunity to explore Sikh concepts with their family members whilst applying it to the real world. Khalsa Foundation regularly hosts seminars, Gurdwara talks, Keertan Darbars, university talks and has developed the Sikh Parenting Course, all of which take place across the UK. Khalsa Camp consists of thought provoking seminars about Sikh spirituality, group discussions on philosophy and ethics, Q&A forums with Gursikhs, morning Simran sessions, evening Kirtan Diwaans and action packed sports activities throughout the course of the day. There is plenty of time to relax and explore your spiritual Jeevan (life) during Khalsa Camp with something for everyone no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, through Khalsa Camp we try to provide an environment where the campers can have a shared and profound experience of Sikhi. Our group of speakers, all of whom volunteer their time to help share knowledge, travel across the the world as part of their Seva, attending other Khalsa Camps in Europe, Punjab, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand. In recent years, after the global pandemic limited our events, we shifted our resources online through virtual camps, seminars, mentoring and the learning hub. We have seen over 1000 interactions and have of over 300 hours of online educational resource material available via the Khalsa Learning Hub. It is only through the constant Ardas (prayers) and generous donations of the Sangat that we are able to do this Seva. Our mission is simple; to help people discover the spirit within. To find out more about how to get involved in Seva with Khalsa Foundation, or learn more about the our Seva visit Charity number 1161419 and contact us via [email protected]
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Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me. Steve Jobs