WHAT WE DO - Formed in 2017, Bloomin' Dementia is a charity focused and committed to the relief of those living with dementia and related disorders in Nottinghamshire and the surrounding areas.We aim to do so by the provision of assessment, intervention, respite and social inclusion for such persons and their families:A full assessment of the persons needs and a choice of documented and bespoke careDementia advocacy in the local communityInterventions and extended supportRespite time for family carersWorkshops and social time and eventsAccrual of statutory benefits and payments, for example attendance allowanceTo promote person-centered independent livingOUR MISSIONBloomin' Dementia is a wholly hands-on and operational community charity.We aim to offer support to the individual (and their close family)with a diagnosis of dementia, in the forms of inclusion, social activities, training, benefits accrual and respite.ACHIEVING OUR GOALSThrough the support of a strong local community involving both individual and business donation, we are able to carry out various fundraising activities to allow us to provide support and help to those who need it.We pride ourselves on being a hands-on charity, providing front-line and practical support to those individuals living with dementia and their families in various ways. In order to achieve this, we hold regular events, supported by local businesses and carry out fun fundraising activities such as auctions and sales of donated items, in order to allow us to raise much-needed funds to maintain our level of support to the families, we currently work with and also to reach out to new cases whenever needed.
Create a fundraising page to start raising money for Bloomin' Dementia today! We’re keen to see all kinds of wacky ideas and breath-taking achievements, so get creative and get cracking.
See all the wonderful ways people are fundraising for BLOOMIN' DEMENTIA and help them reach their targets.
Expect wonderful things to happen to you. Not in the future, but right now. Eileen Caddy