Hopewell is a participant-led charity based in Cheetham & Crumpsall works across North Manchester who are living with long-term health conditions including mental health resulting in loneliness and isolation exasperated by poverty, poor environment, & unemployment.Charity’s work is user-influenced & inspired by community-driven changes. Its core services are run by & for local people ensuring equality which is evident in the diversity of our participants who determine & implement its activities. What do we do!Each week a diverse mix of participants use charity’s services that encourages social inclusion & wellbeing by bringing a range of services at the neighbourhood level engaging people in meaningful activities that are person centred, culturally appropriate & language specific in social setting, sharing information & volunteering opportunities that reduces isolation, loneliness, increases empowerment, builds resilience, enablement that enhances positive, healthy & independent living of our communities. 60 or more people engage in charity’s activities each week. Accessible to adults with focus on people from BAME communities
Create a fundraising page to start raising money for Hopewell today! We’re keen to see all kinds of wacky ideas and breath-taking achievements, so get creative and get cracking.
It would be wonderful to think that the future is uncertain and sort of surprising. Alan Rickman