Welcome to The Scottish Schools Pipes and Drums Trust.
We offer state school pupils in Scotland opportunities to learn the pipes and drums; encourage the formation of schools pipe bands; and host the world’s largest schools pipe band competition. We work in partnership with local education authorities, community pipe bands and co-funders to develop programmes that respond to local priorities.
Pipe bands are much more than a musical pastime - they develop life and employability skills such as teamwork, shared and individual achievement, perseverance, a sense of dress and discipline, camaraderie and confidence. Pipe bands also open the doors to travel through competition and cultural exchange, and are a source of pride and focus for schools and communities.
SSPDT prioritises investment in areas where young people have few chances to learn the pipes and drums, particularly in areas of socio-economic deprivation or rural isolation. We loan instruments to pupils who cannot afford to buy their first set of pipes.
By making a donation, you will give life-changing and life-long opportunities to young people.
Thank you.
Create a fundraising page to start raising money for The Scottish Schools Pipes and Drums Trust today! We’re keen to see all kinds of wacky ideas and breath-taking achievements, so get creative and get cracking.
How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world? Ann Frank