David’s story

The President of The Insurance Institute of Southampton, David Nichols, is proud to be supporting The Insurance Charities during his Presidential year.
As your local institute we are committed to raising funds to support the great work that TIC undertake, supporting people within the industry and their dependants, including people within our local area.
They can support people dealing with difficult life events such as:
· Ill Health
· Disability
· Tragedy
· Depression
· Financial problems
· Redundancy
As a council we will be arranging several charitable events and drives during 2022 to raise funds for this remarkable charity. Please look out for updates of events on this page and our social media channels.
We will again be focusing on The Insurance Charities Awareness Week (ICAW) that will run from 20th-24th June 2022. In 2021, council members undertook a step challenge during ICAW, raising £500 in the process whilst promoting the theme of mental health awareness and support. We expect next year’s campaign to be bigger and better than ever, and we are looking forward to raising even more money.
Please support the council in raising as much funds as possible throughout the year, with your donations tied to an event, or just in support of the council’s aim to raise as much funds as possible to support the charity and people within our industry.
Fundraising Targets
All funds raised will be passed to the charity irrespective of whether my target is reached, not reached or exceeded.
Payment Security
In meeting its regulatory obligations, Wonderful does not permit (and will remove) any payment transfer details added by charities or fundraisers to charity fundraising pages. For your own financial protection, when donating to a charity on Wonderful.org, ONLY use the Donate button.