
Running Hackney Half to end Violence Against Women

I am running to raise money for The Vavengers. A charity working to end Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting and Violence Against Women and Girls

Running Hackney Half to end Violence Against Women
£280.00 donated
+£60.00 Gift Aid = £340.00
140% of £200.00 goal

Megan’s story

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Distance goal: 13 miles

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The Vavengers

The Vavengers is a UK-based FGM/C (Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting) awareness & action charity led by FGM/C survivors and activists. Through the guidance of survivors, we have grown to understand that Female Genital Mutilation isn’t just a singular event; it is part of a greater cycle of oppression with devastating, life-long...

The Vavengers is a registered charity in England and Wales. Charity number 1184202​. Company no1184202.

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