
Brian’s Nocturnal Hopscotch Ultramarathon

Fundraiser for Hopscotch Childrens’ Charity

Brian’s Nocturnal Hopscotch Ultramarathon
HopScotch Children's Charity
HopScotch Children's Charity
£243.00 donated
+£52.00 Gift Aid = £295.00
122% of £200.00 goal
to go.

Brian’s story

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Chosen charity

HopScotch Children's Charity

HopScotch Children's Charity

Since 1998 HopScotch has been providing FREE respite breaks for vulnerable children living in Scotland, aged between 7-12 years.  Each year we aim to provide 420 children a break from chaotic and stressful home environments by providing them with a therapeutic five day stay at Ardvullin our respite centre in...

HopScotch Children's Charity is a registered charity in Scotland. Charity number SC028660​.

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