Braintree Area Foodbank’s story

Lent, a traditional Christian period before Easter, is where people will normally give something up before the Easter celebrations. However, this year we are asking for people to give rather than give up.
By giving 40 pence a day for the 40 days of Lent you can support local individuals and families facing hardship this Easter. All you have to do is to set aside a jar or tin into which you drop your 40p each day for the days of Lent and donate it to us on Good Friday, 18 April 2025. The total donated being £20*
Over the past few years we have had to spend large amounts of money on food to keep up with the demand we have been seeing. This has caused us to work hard on sourcing the best possible value, resulting in us having the ability to buy food from wholesalers/food distributors at a lower price than the food you can buy from the supermarket. This means we can make your monetary donations go further!
Henry Hopkins, Charity Manager said “No one should be facing food poverty in the twenty first century and we shouldn’t need to use words like ‘destitute’ but unfortunately it has become a reality that Foodbanks are an essential service to many. With things like increased mortgage rates, ever growing utility bills and the general economic climate, we have been put in the difficult position of having to apply for grants to buy the additional food to meet this growing need.”
Henry continues “This is why we want people’s donations to count even more. This Lent we are launching our 40p for 40-day appeal to enable a person’s donation to go even further and have a positive effect on those in food poverty. Due to our buying power, with a £20 donation we can purchase the equivalent of 6 breakfasts, 13 main meals, 6 snacky meals and 6 desserts. Buying these items in a standard supermarket, even with value brands, would cost about £30. This is why we can assure those donating to this year’s appeal that your donation will be utilised to its fullest potential, and that you will be helping us to meet a need of over 12,000 parcels yearly.”
*This is your £16 donation with GiftAid
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