Anjali’s story
In 2025, we turn 30 years old!
Anjali uplifts dancers with learning disabilities to establish themselves as dance artists in their own right. Throughout the years, Anjali has changed the landscape of the arts sector and demonstrated what can be possible when learning disabled individuals are effectively supported to express their creative ambitions.
Your invaluable donations will be spent on training, workshops, access support, travel, studio time and will directly benefit the professional development of our dancers.
Donate £30 now to be added to our pearl anniversary, '100 pearls' wall of fame.
'To anyone who wants to dance, be true to who you are and go for it! Whether you have a disability or not, it doesn’t matter.
Disability is a superpower and dance will show others what you are capable of.' (Daisy, Anjali Dancer)
'Anjali brings rich dance work to life for people with additional needs by creating a platform of support and elevating participants and artists perception of what is achievable. They are a key for trial, error, refinement and growth. There ambition should be supported and replicated UK wide.' (Dance Artist)
Watch our fundraiser video here.
With thanks to and Nicola Smith.
Images by Romy Whai.
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All funds raised will be passed to the charity irrespective of whether my target is reached, not reached or exceeded.
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