Row the Mangoky on a rowing machine and raise money for a new hovercraft to increase our reach.
The Mangoky River is the longest river in Madagascar. Tens of thousands of people live along its banks. It is too shallow for motorised boats and there are no roads. 50% suffer chronic malnutrition, half the population is under 20 years old, 72% live in acute poverty. HoverAid use hovercraft to reach remote communities with teams of doctors, community health programmes, well digging projects, relief and aid - providing vital services, and enabling communities to help themselves.
The challenges:
The Mad River Row – join with others in your company, school, or team rowing against others completing 160km each in a day: racing to the halfway point of the Mangoky to see who gets their first.
The Gorge Dash –the Antakitaka Gorge is a straight 8km section of the river, individuals can join in by rowing 8km as fast as they can and submitting your time to the leader board.
Email [email protected]
raised by all fundraising pages linked to this event.
It’s wonderful to have access to all kinds of data, but it’s a full-time job to separate valuable news from useless noise. Maria Bartiromo