Each year Threshold, Swindon’s Homeless Charity, hosts Swindon’s BIG SleepOut for the Homeless. This year marks our half-century of service to those in need in Swindon. We are extremely happy to again be hosting our BIG SleepOut at the Swindon Supermarine Sports & Social Club. You can take part as an individual or get together a group of friends, family or colleagues to experience this very special solidarity and experiential event.
The number of people desperate, facing or experiencing homelessness and reaching out for support is skyrocketing. Across the country, the demand on Local Authorities and homeless charities shows no signs of easing. In Swindon the demands are heavy and the signs of worse to come are most evident.
At present, just like in every year past that Threshold has helped the homeless, there remain individuals sleeping rough on Swindon’s streets, almost every night, certainly during every week. Threshold remains for many homeless people in Swindon their primary source of support, providing them with meaningful services to mitigate or end the suffering of rough sleeping or other homelessness.
Swindon’s BIG SleepOut is a fun and family friendly event, with live entertainment and food provided on the evening. There is an outdoor area for pitching tents or sleeping directly under the stars, a partially sheltered area to protect from rain and indoors sheltered spaces also. The event provides many ‘climate zones’ to suit the needs of all attending. In the morning, before you depart, a hot breakfast is served to all participants.
Please consider supporting Threshold, Swindon’s Homeless Charity, in 2022 by attending the SleepOut. We celebrate with pride our 50th year anniversary, while also lamenting that our services remain so heavily in demand. We would love this milestone year to be marked with an enormous turnout of participants showing support for Threshold and solidarity with the homeless. Your support this year will help ensure that we can continue to provide the compassionate and specialist care demanded of us by the present needs of the local community.
It's easy to create your ‘Wonderful.org Fundraising Page' in aid of Threshold. Create your Wonderful.org Page linked to Threshold Housing Link, it's easiest for others to sponsor you and support the critical human services work that we provide. It also totally removes any stress of handling charity cash. What you raise via your Wonderful.org Fundraising Page – goes straight to Threshold.
To register visit: https://www.thl.org.uk/events/thresholds-big-swindon-sleepout-2022/
raised by all fundraising pages linked to this event.
Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. Ann Landers