Cavendish’s story

Our one-form entry school offers a creative and dynamic environment where all children thrive and are well prepared for their future.
At the heart of our school is a sense of belonging; a place where we nurture positive relationships and self-worth, enabling us to learn. Belonging has a profound impact on our wellbeing, allows us to feel secure which enables us to trust, embrace change and challenge; this may be academically, socially or emotionally and can cultivate skills valuable throughout our lives.
We nurture children individually to be curious, confident and kind whilst embodying ambition in all that we do.
The Friends of Cavendish School is an active group, committed to promoting inclusion within our community and to raising money for the school to enhance the curriculum and experience of all children. Every parent and carer is automatically part of Friends of Cavendish and extended family and friends are welcome to support us too. Cavendish truly is a place 'where we belong'.
We want to raise £30,000! We would love to replace the colourful climbing frame and play trail in the main playground. School has worked on a proposal with a company to create bespoke pieces that will be installed on new surfacing. Children across the school will love it! It will increase physical activity during playtimes and be enjoyed for many years.
Any additional money raised will buy football goals for the main playground.
You can use this page to donate (and we are grateful for every donation - they all add up!) and please feel free to share this page with family and friends. Also, look out for fundraising events organised by the Friends of Cavendish throughout the year, such as Spooky Disco and the Summer Fair. Thank you again!
Fundraising Targets
All funds raised will be passed to the charity irrespective of whether my target is reached, not reached or exceeded.
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