Back by popular demand in 2022 - the 12ks of Christmas Challenge.
The challenge kicks off at 1pm where participants will complete 1km. At 2pm, they'll complete 2km.. and so on.. until they can't complete the given number of kilometres for the hour of day or until you reach midnight for the 12km stint.
In 2021, only two challengers made it to the end but over 50 people participated, completing hundreds of collective kilometres and raising over £1500 in vital funding for our small charity.
This is a virtual challenge which can take place absolutely anywhere, and we encourage groups to gather together as much as possible to keep each other going.
We welcome any self-propelled form of movement; whether you walk, dance, skip, pedal, wheel, scoot or run!
raised by all fundraising pages linked to this event.
How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world? Ann Frank